Initialize a Socket-Mode Connection
Slack's Socket Mode allows Slack apps to use Slack's Events API and interactive features — without the AutoKitteh server having to expose public webhooks for incoming HTTP callbacks from Slack. Instead, AutoKitteh initiates a stateful WebSocket connection.
When should you use "Socket Mode"?
- AutoKitteh projects that need to be deployed behind a firewall, or have security constraints that don't allow exposing static HTTP endpoints
- AutoKitteh projects that require special Slack permissions and events (either broader or narrower than the AutoKitteh server's generic OAuth-based Slack app)
- AutoKitteh projects that require custom slash commands
When should you not use "Socket Mode"?
AutoKitteh projects without the limitations above, i.e. the AutoKitteh server's generic OAuth-based Slack app is configured and sufficient, so there's no need to create another Slack app from scratch
Production-grade, high-availability AutoKitteh projects
AttentionThere are production risks and limitations associated with "Socket Mode" connections:
WebSocket connections need to remain open all the time, unlike HTTP requests to a passive webhook which are transactional:
This limits the total number of available connections per server
This precludes stateless failover and load balancing across servers
Ensuring that AutoKitteh doesn't miss Slack events while refreshing a WebSocket connection requires more than one WebSocket connections per Slack connection - this is not implemented yet in AutoKitteh
Supporting high loads of incoming Slack events requires a dynamic pool of WebSocket connections - this is not implemented yet in AutoKitteh
Slack allows no more than 10 open WebSocket connections per app at the same time
Create a Slack App
Click here: create a new Slack app
Select the option "From an app manifest"
Pick a workspace to develop the app in, and click the green "Next" button
Switch from JSON to YAML
Replace the default app manifest YAML with this:
name: AutoKitteh Demo App
display_name: AutoKitteh
always_online: true
- command: /autokitteh
description: Send command to AutoKitteh
should_escape: true
- command: /ak
description: Send command to AutoKitteh
should_escape: true
- app_mentions:read
- bookmarks:read
- bookmarks:write
- channels:history
- channels:manage
- channels:read
- chat:write
- chat:write.customize
- chat:write.public
- commands
- dnd:read
- groups:history
- groups:read
- groups:write
- im:history
- im:read
- im:write
- mpim:history
- mpim:read
- mpim:write
- reactions:read
- reactions:write
- users.profile:read
- users:read
- app_home_opened
- app_mention
- app_uninstalled
- channel_archive
- channel_created
- channel_deleted
- channel_history_changed
- channel_id_changed
- channel_left
- channel_rename
- channel_unarchive
- group_archive
- group_deleted
- group_history_changed
- group_left
- group_rename
- group_unarchive
- im_history_changed
- member_joined_channel
- message.channels
- message.groups
- message.mpim
- reaction_added
- reaction_removed
- tokens_revoked
is_enabled: true
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: true
token_rotation_enabled: false
You may edit these details within the YAML app manifest:
- add/edit/remove commands according to your preferences
- remove any scopes (i.e. permissions) that you don't want AutoKitteh to have- Warning: don't remove the scope users:read, AutoKitteh requires it to determine Slack app IDs by calling the API method
- add/remove bot events according to your preferences
Click the green "Next" button
Click the green "Create" button
Install the Slack App
Click the green "Install to Workspace" button
Click the green "Allow" button
Post-Creation Settings
In the app's "Basic Information" page, scroll down to the "App-Level Tokens" section
Click the "Generate Token and Scopes" button
- Type a name for the token
- Click the "Add Scope" button
- Select the connections:write scope
- Click the green "Generate" button
Click the "Copy" button to copy the app-level token (
) for later, and click the "Done" button -
Click "Install App" under "Settings" in the left panel, and then click the "Copy" button to copy the bot token (
) for later -
Click "App Home" under "Features" in the left panel
Scroll down the page to the "Show Tabs" section, and check the checkbox "Allow users to send Slash commands and messages from the messages tab"
Initialize an AutoKitteh Connection
Paste the bot token (
) from step 4 in the Post-Creation Settings section above -
Paste the app-level token (
) from step 3 in the Post-Creation Settings section above -
Click the "Save Connection" button