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Initialize a Connection With a Token

Follow this guide in order to initialize an AutoKitteh connection with Atlassian products such as Jira and Confluence - using API tokens, or Personal Access Tokens (PATs), instead of an OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app.


"API tokens" and "Personal Access Tokens" are essentially the same - they both allow AutoKitteh to impersonate a user. The key difference between them is that Atlassian Cloud products use the former, whereas on-prem servers use the latter.


This guide assumes that the AutoKitteh server is already configured with HTTP tunneling.

Create an Atlassian Token

For Atlassian Cloud products, manage your API tokens here:

For Atlassian on-prem servers, manage your PATs using these instructions:

Initialize the AutoKitteh Connection

Base URLs for Atlassian Cloud products look like:

If you're using an Atlassian Cloud API token, do specify your email address.

If you're using an Atlassian on-prem server PAT, do not specify your email address.



When an AutoKitteh Atlassian connection is initialized, AutoKitteh automatically registers webhooks to receive asynchronous event callbacks from Atlassian. There is no need to register webhooks on your own.

However, manual updates or unregistrations of webhooks are not detected or fixed automatically by AutoKitteh - that would require another connection initialization.