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Server Configuration

Follow this guide in order to enable AutoKitteh's Atlassian connections to use a single OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app, instead of API tokens and PATs.


This guide assumes that the AutoKitteh server is already configured with HTTP tunneling.


Background information: Atlassian OAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps.

Create an Atlassian OAuth 2.0 App

  1. Click here: Atlassian developer console

  2. Click on the "Create" drop-down menu on the right, and select "OAuth 2.0 integration"

    Screenshot 1: Create OAuth 2.0 integration
  3. Name you app, agree to the developer terms, and click the "Create" button

    Screenshot 2: App name
  4. Select the "Permissions" page in the left panel

    Screenshot 3: Left panel
    1. Click the "Add" action button for the "User identity API"

      Screenshot 4: User Identity API - add button
    2. Click the "Configure" action button for the "User identity API"

    3. Click the "Edit Scopes" button

      Screenshot 5: User Identity API - original scopes
    4. Add this scopes, and click the "Save" button:

      • View user profiles (read:account)
      Screenshot 6: User Identity API - new scopes
  5. Select the "Permissions" page in the left panel again

    1. Click the "Add" action button for the "Jira API"

    2. Click the "Configure" action button for the "Jira API"

    3. Click the "Edit Scopes" button

    4. Select at least these scopes, and click the "Save" button:

      • View Jira issue data (read:jira-work)
      • View user profiles (read:jira-user)
      • Create and manage issues (write:jira-work)
      • Manage Jira webhooks (manage:jira-webhook)
      Screenshot 7: Jira API - new scopes
  6. Select the "Authorization" page in the left panel

    1. Click the "Add" action button

    2. Enter this callback URL: https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/oauth/redirect/jira

      (where PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)

    3. Click the "Save Changes" button

    Screenshot 8: Authorization

App Secrets

  1. Select the "Settings" page in the left panel

  2. Copy the Client ID and Secret in the "Authentication details" section

    Screenshot 9: App secrets

Configure AutoKitteh

There are two equivalent options to configure the AutoKitteh server to interact with your OAuth app - choose the one most suited for your needs and constraints.

For more details, see the Configuration Methods page.

config.yaml File

Stay tuned!

Environment Variables

Set this environment variable, based on the AutoKitteh server's address - either an HTTP tunnel's public address, or an internal address in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

    • Just the address, without the http[s]:// prefix, and without a path suffix

Also set these environment variables, based on the values you were instructed to copy in the App Secrets section above:


If your organization uses Atlassian Data Center, i.e. on-prem servers, not Atlassian Cloud

Set the environment variable ATLASSIAN_BASE_URL to the on-prem server's URL without a path, i.e. a string that looks like this: http[s]://host[:port].

Lastly, restart the AutoKitteh server for these settings to take effect.