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The AutoKitteh server requires a relational database as its primary means of state management and data storage.

AutoKitteh "Dev" Mode

By default, AutoKitteh uses a SQLite file named autokitteh.sqlite, located in AutoKitteh's data home directory. The exact path is determined by the XDG Base Directory Specification.


Run this command to find out where AutoKitteh stores this file:

ak config where

You may specify a different SQLite file path for development and testing purposes:

ak up --config db.type=sqlite --config db.dsn="path/filename.sqlite"

AutoKitteh "Prod" Mode

In "dev" mode, you may configure AutoKitteh to use a more robust RDBMS, in order to support data durability with better failover, recovery, and performance.

In "prod" mode, this is a requirement rather than a recommendation.

Either way, see the next page for more details.