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The AutoKitteh server depends on Temporal.


Option 1: set up a Local Development Environment

Option 2: production deployment

Server Address

The default Temporal server address is localhost:7233.

You may configure AutoKitteh to use a different one:

ak up --config temporalclient.hostport=<HOST>:<PORT>


(Persistent, next time you run 'ak up')
ak config set temporalclient.hostport <HOST>:<PORT>


In AutoKitteh's "dev" mode, AutoKitteh may start its own Temporal dev server as a subprocess, if it can't find an already available one.

If that happens, AutoKitteh will configure its Temporal dev server to use a SQLite file as a persistent database.

By default, this file is named temporal_dev.sqlite, and is located in AutoKitteh's data home directory. The exact path is determined by the XDG Base Directory Specification.


Run this command to find out where AutoKitteh stores this file:

ak config where


By default, the AutoKitteh server uses the Temporal namespace "default".

You may configure a different one:

ak up --config temporalclient.namespace=<CUSTOM>


(Persistent, next time you run 'ak up')
ak config set temporalclient.namespace <CUSTOM>

Deployment Guides

Information about deploying and managing Temporal in production: