Private OAuth 2.0 Apps
Unlike many other AutoKitteh integrations, Salesforce does not have a default OAuth app.
A user-managed OAuth app enables you to securely integrate with Salesforce APIs and webhooks on behalf of an authorized user.
This connection mode does not require a preexisting AutoKitteh server-wide configuration. Instead, it allows project owners to configure the details of their own OAuth apps.
This guide assumes that the AutoKitteh server is already configured with HTTP tunneling.
Salesforce Documentation
Create an OAuth App
Sign into your Salesforce Developer Account
Follow the instructions at:
From Setup, navigate to "Platform Tools" > "Apps" and then:
- "App Manager" (for Connected Apps)
- "External Client Apps" > "External Client Apps Manager" (for External Client Apps)
Navigate to the OAuth configuration page:
- For Connected Apps: Click the dropdown arrow (⌵) next to your app and select "Edit"
- For External Client Apps: Click the dropdown arrow (⌵) next to your app and select "Edit Settings" then expand the "OAuth Settings" section
Configure the OAuth settings:
- Callback URL:
is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)
- Callback URL:
For AutoKitteh cloud users, the PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS
- Click "Save"
App Details
Setup > Settings > Company Settings > My Domain Details
Instance URL: https://<your-domain>
External Client Apps
External Client App Manager > Settings > OAuth Settings
- Consumer Key = Client ID
- Consumer Secret = Client Secret
Connected Apps
App Manager > View > Manage Consumer Details
- Consumer Key = Client ID
- Consumer Secret = Client Secret
AutoKitteh Connection
When you create, initialize, or edit the connection in an AutoKitteh project:
Select the "Salesforce" connection type, if not selected yet
Select the "Private OAuth 2.0" authentication type, if not selected yet
Enter the app details from the previous section:
- Client ID (required)
- Client Secret (required)
- Instance URL (required)