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Follow this guide in order to:

  1. Enable AutoKitteh connections to use OAuth 2.0, instead of GCP service account JSON keys
  2. Enable asynchronous events from Gmail and Google Forms

This guide assumes that the AutoKitteh server is already configured with HTTP tunneling.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project

  1. Create a new GCP project

  2. Enable Google Workspace APIs in it

  1. Create an OAuth consent screen for your GCP project

  2. Specify authorized domains for it

    • The AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address (just the address, no https:// prefix, and no path suffix)
  3. Add these permission scopes to it

    • Non-sensitive:
      • .../auth/
      • .../auth/userinfo.profile
      • openid
    • Sensitive:
      • .../auth/calendar
      • .../auth/
      • .../auth/chat.memberships
      • .../auth/chat.messages
      • .../auth/chat.spaces
      • .../auth/forms.body
      • .../auth/forms.responses.readonly
      • .../auth/spreadsheets
    • Restricted:
      • .../auth/drive
      • .../auth/gmail.modify
      • .../auth/gmail.settings.basic


  1. Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID

  2. Specific steps and settings

    • Click: + Create Credentials
    • Select: OAuth client ID
    • Application type: Web application
    • Authorized redirect URI:
      • https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/oauth/redirect/google
      • (PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)

Cloud Pub/Sub

This is required if you wish to receive asynchronous events from Gmail and Google Forms.

  1. Go to your GCP project's service accounts page:

  2. Click the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button at the top of the page

    Screenshot 1: Create service account - button

    • Required: Service account name
    • Optional: Service account ID & description
    • Click the CREATE AND CONTINUE button

    Screenshot 2: Create service account - details
  3. Grant these roles, and click the CONTINUE button

    • Service Account Token Creator

    Screenshot 3: Create service account - roles
  4. Click the DONE button (no need to grant user access)

    Screenshot 4: Create service account - users
  5. Go to your GCP project's Cloud Pub/Sub page:

  6. Click the CREATE TOPIC button at the top of the page

    Screenshot 4: Create topic - button

    • Topic ID: forms-notifications
    • Add a default subscription: Yes (default)
    • Enable message retention: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 10 minutes
    • Click the CREATE button

    Screenshot 5: Create topic - settings
  7. Permissions: click the ADD PRINCIPAL button

    Screenshot 6: Add principal - 1

    • New principal:
    • Role: Pub/Sub Publisher
    • Click the SAVE button

    Screenshot 7: Add principal - 2
  8. Click the auto-created subscription forms-notifications-sub, and then click its EDIT button

  9. Modify the following details:

    • Delivery type: Push

    • Endpoint URL: https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/googleforms/notif (PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)

    • Enable authentication: Yes

      • Select the service account you created in step 2 above
    • Enable payload unwrapping: Yes

      • Write metadata: Yes

      Screenshot 8: Edit subscription - 1
    • Message retention duration: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 10 minutes

      Screenshot 9: Edit subscription - 2
    • Expiration period: Never expire

      Screenshot 10: Edit subscription - 3
    • Acknowledgement deadline: 10 seconds (default)

    • Message ordering: No (default)

    • Dead lettering: No (default)

    • Retry policy: Retry immediately (default)

    • Click the UPDATE button

  10. Repeat steps 5-9 with these changes:

    • Topic ID: gmail-api-push
      • Enable message retention: 10 minutes
    • New principal with the Pub/Sub Publisher role:
    • Subscription:
      • Endpoint URL: https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/gmail/notif (PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)
    • Everything else should be the same

Configure AutoKitteh

There are two equivalent options to configure the AutoKitteh server to interact with your GCP OAuth consent screen - choose the one most suited for your needs and constraints.

For more details, see the Configuration Methods page.

config.yaml File

Stay tuned!

Environment Variables

Set this environment variable, based on the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address:

    • Just the address, without the https:// prefix, and without a path suffix

Also set these environment variables, based on the generated details in the credentials you created above:


Also set these optional environment variables, based on the topic(s) you configured in the Cloud Pub/Sub section, if you did so:


Lastly, restart the AutoKitteh server for these settings to take effect.