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Follow this guide in order to enable AutoKitteh's GitHub connections to use a GitHub app with OAuth 2.0, instead of connection-specific Personal Access Tokens (PATs) and/or webhooks.


This guide assumes that the AutoKitteh server is already configured with HTTP tunneling.

Only organization and repository owners can install GitHub apps.

Create a GitHub App

If you want the GitHub app to be private, create it in the same GitHub user/organization scope where you intend to install it. If you want multiple GitHub users and organization to install it, create a public GitHub app.

Depending on your preference, use one of these options:

  • The app will be owned by you, i.e. a GitHub user:

  • The app will be owned by a GitHub organization:
    (This requires GitHub organization owner privileges)

Required Details

  • GitHub App name

  • Homepage URL

    Screenshot 1: Register new GitHub App

OAuth Callback URL

  • Callback URL: https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/oauth/redirect/github
    (where PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)

  • Expire user authorization tokens: No

  • Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation: Yes

    Screenshot 2: Identifying and authorizing users
  • Post installation → redirect on update: Yes

    Screenshot 3: Post installation


  • Active: Yes (default)

  • Webhook URL: https://PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS/github/webhook
    (where PUBLIC-AK-ADDRESS is the AutoKitteh server's public tunnel address)

  • Webhook Secret: random and secret string of your choice

    Screenshot 4: Webhook


Your choices in this section depend on a balance between functional needs and security constraints: which GitHub API calls you expect AutoKitteh scripts to make, and which GitHub API events you expect AutoKitteh scripts to respond to.


Permission changes have to be accepted by owners of existing installations before they become effective.

Here are some common repository permission examples:

Here are some common organization permission examples:

Subscribe to Events

Your choices in this section depend on the chosen permissions above, and which GitHub API events you expect AutoKitteh scripts to respond to.

Here are some common examples:

Where Can This Be Installed

Choose one of these options:

  • Only on this account (only the GitHub user/org that created this GitHub app)
  • Any account (any GitHub user or organization)

Finally, click the green button "Create GitHub App".

App Secrets

  1. Copy the App ID and Client ID strings at the top of the app settings page

    Screenshot 5: About IDs
  2. Click the button "Generate a new client secret", and copy the new string; you will not be able to see it again once you leave this page

    Screenshot 6: Client secrets
  3. Double-check that the webhook secret was indeed set when you created the app; if it's not, set it again, and click the green "Save changes" button

    Screenshot 7: Webook secret check
  4. Click the "Generate a private key" button at the bottom of the app settings page

    Screenshot 8: Generate private key
    • This will auto-download a file named APP-NAME.DATE.private-key.pem
    • Convert this file into a single-line string with this command-line:
      cat NAME.YY-MM-DD.private-key.pem | awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}'
    • Delete this file

Configure AutoKitteh

There are two equivalent options to configure the AutoKitteh server to interact with your GitHub app - choose the one most suited for your needs and constraints.

For more details, see the Configuration Methods page.

config.yaml File

Stay tuned!

Environment Variables

Set this environment variable, based on the AutoKitteh server's address - either an HTTP tunnel's public address, or an internal address in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

    • Just the address, without the http[s]:// prefix, and without a path suffix

Also set this environment variable:

    • Based on the suffix of the app settings URL:

Also set the following environment variables, based on the values you were instructed to copy in the App Secrets section above:

    • Readbale only when generated
    • Downloadable only when generated
    • When setting the environment variable, the value has to be enclosed in quotes (e.g. GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY="<key>") because it contains special characters
    • Readable only when re/set

If your organization uses a private GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) instead of

Set the environment variable GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_URL to the GHES URL inside your organization's VPC without a path, i.e. a string that looks like this: http[s]://host[:port].

Lastly, restart the AutoKitteh server for these settings to take effect.